Wednesday, October 19, 2011

WOR Radio Host Mike Gallagher Lies about Occupy Wall Street

Tighty Righty Mike Gallagher resorts to photoshopped photos to make his case against the increasingly popular Occupy Wall Street protesters.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Occupy Wall Street NYC Cleans Up

Today we had a great victory because the mayor was going to send in people to clean the park and the protesters said NO WAY.  So thousands of people all over the New York area showed up at 6am to show support....and the mayor and the police backed off.   These protests have now spread to over 200 American cities and many overseas cities as well.

LA Times interviews me regarding Occupy Wall Street purpose

Occupy Wall Street protesters, uplifted by the postponement of a cleanup of Zuccotti Park, where they had been gathering, marched early Friday morning on Broadway in lower Manhattan.
The anti-greed protesters, who have spent nearly a month in the park, cheered the early-morning decision on the cleanup. As day broke and the cheering died down, police on scooters positioned themselves in the streets around the park and the impromptu march began.
Richard Borkowski, a 50-year-old software designer, said he had come from his Manhattan apartment prepared to link arms with others to preserve the protest if it came to that.
"I just see the American dream being sucked away by Wall Street and its investment banks," said Borkowski, who held a handmade sign that read in part: "Evict Congress."
"This impacts a lot of people," he said when asked what had prompted him -- a middle-aged white man with a job and an apartment -- to join a protest movement that to casual passersby looks to be dominated by 20-somethings who are out of work and laden with student debt.
"This is not just about 400 people," he said, motioning toward the crowd that has been living in Zuccotti Park. Its rallying cry is "we are the 99 percent!" to protest the concentration of wealth in the richest 1 percent of the population. "This does affect the 99 percent," said Borkowski. "I am part of the 99 percent."
The owner of the park had notified the city late Thursday night that it was postponing power washing the park, avoiding an anticipated clash between police andthe Occupy Wall Street protesters, who feared they were being evicted.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Tea Party Protest against Park Place Mosque

The Tea Party declared war on Muslims on August 23, 2010. Here are 2 photos of Rocket Launchers that they brought to their 'peaceful protest'.

Peaceful my ass. Their words will incite violence across the country as fellow Tea Baggers seek out and injure Muslims and those who look Muslim. This rally declared it was open season on all Mosques in the United States.

It's time to stop the Tea Party Terrorists.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Former BP employee spotted tearing down a building!!

With the 6 month moratorium on Oil Drilling, BP employees are seeking land-based job. Here's one in action tearing down a building, almost taking out several people in passing cars. Apparently the Blowout Preventer on the building failed!!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Gulf Oil Disaster (G.O.D.) - Day 37

It's funny how this Global Oil Disaster is beginning to look like 9/11 more and more each day. After 9/11, we had the government declaring the air was safe to breathe without respirators. So the first responders and volunteers quit using respirators. But as it turned out the government agency (the EPA) was LYING. What a surprise huh?

Now the Gulf Oil Disaster is taking on a similar look. Fishermen involved in the cleanup attempt are falling ill. The foreign corporation British Petroleum had their employees preventing fishermen from wearing respirators. Read this article below from Democracy Now:

Even worse, President Obama had a press conference and LIED to the public by saying the federal government is in charge of this operation. Obviously, that was a blatant LIE. Quit lying Mr. President. Just stop it. Stop LYING. Quit telling LIES to protect this British Corporation. No more LIES.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Gulf of Mexico Oil Slick

Fire on the Deepwater Horizon, April 25, 2010
Credit: U.S. Coast Guard,

On April 20, 2010, an explosion occurred on the semi-submersible offshore drilling rig Deepwater Horizon in the Gulf of Mexico. On April 24 it was found that the wellhead was damaged and was leaking oil into the Gulf. Coast Guard Rear Admiral Mary Landry has described it as "a very serious spill," leaking as many as 5,000 barrels of oil a day, or 210,000 gallons into the Gulf. Such a significant spill poses a serious threat to wildlife, affecting as many as 400 species all along the coastal areas of Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and Florida.

Source: Wikipedia