Thursday, May 27, 2010

Gulf Oil Disaster (G.O.D.) - Day 37

It's funny how this Global Oil Disaster is beginning to look like 9/11 more and more each day. After 9/11, we had the government declaring the air was safe to breathe without respirators. So the first responders and volunteers quit using respirators. But as it turned out the government agency (the EPA) was LYING. What a surprise huh?

Now the Gulf Oil Disaster is taking on a similar look. Fishermen involved in the cleanup attempt are falling ill. The foreign corporation British Petroleum had their employees preventing fishermen from wearing respirators. Read this article below from Democracy Now:

Even worse, President Obama had a press conference and LIED to the public by saying the federal government is in charge of this operation. Obviously, that was a blatant LIE. Quit lying Mr. President. Just stop it. Stop LYING. Quit telling LIES to protect this British Corporation. No more LIES.

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