Saturday, March 13, 2010

Coffee Party - New York City - March 13, 2010

The thinking person's answer to the Tea Party met today all over the country. I attended a local Coffee Party in Midtown Manhattan just across the street from the Fox Channel's Headquarters. Needless to say, no one from Fox was there. However, there were TV cameras from a Korean TV station as well as CBS News. There were also reporters from the Guardian and the BBC.

The Coffee Party is a budding group and as such, it's important to know the background of the founders and where they're getting their money. Among other things, the founder used to work for the New York Times for 7 years. This might help explain the recent article published in the New York Times about here. You can see more at this link...

The meeting was short, fast paced, and to the point. It's basic purpose was 2-fold:
1 - To impress upon people a civility pledge to keep namecalling and personal insults out of this process. It's pointless and disrespectful.

2 - To gather in small groups and put forth your group's political priorities.

Our group was titled, "Put democracy back in our democracy"

Our priorites:
1 - Amend The Constitution to eliminate corporate personhood
2 - Corporate Campaign Finance Reform (made easier by the amendment above)
3 - Corporate Health Insurance Reform
4 - Corporate Media Reform
5 - Corporate Voting Machine Reform
6 - Corporate Big Bank Reform (namely Goldman Sachs)
7 - Reform the Corporate Military-Industrial Complex

After we met, our group (and the 5 other small groups) gave a brief summary of our topics. CBS News cameras were there to cover this. However, the CBS camera man turned off the camera when I started talking about Corporate Media Reform. (which simply indicates the urgent need for media reform!)

If you haven't heard of the Coffee Party, visit the web site. There are another round of get togethers in 2 weeks.

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